Beate E. Renner: Journey to the East | the project | "le passage" | curriculum | exhibitions | works in collections


Artistic and cultural project:

"Journey to the East"



"Journey to the East" is a project based on a series of exhibitions of paintings in six different places, or stages (Oman, the Maldives, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, China). These travelling exhibitions will begin in Oman and the Maldives (in 1998), continue via Malaysia and Brunei (1999) and end in Indonesia (2001) and China (2003).


Each exhibition will be an individual event; each stage of the project will present original works, the inspiration for which will nonetheless be drawn from a common source - the Silk Road. Following the sea route once taken by ships in search of spices and precious fabrics today implies a voyage to the Pacific and an encounter with various island and cultures in different geographical locations. In this respect, the project which links different geographical entities in pictorial space sets out to question, through the confrontation and exchange of unknown gazes, the pertinence of contemporary Western art in an area destined to become the new centre of the world.


This is why the project focuses on countries, or places, where contemporary art has not the same status as it has in the West, or even in other Asian countries whose economic framework has paved the way for a recent boom in contemporary art (Japan, South Korea).


Five of the countries included in the project are Muslim, and we also hope to help promote a positive image of the Islamic world, unlike the one projected by extremist groups, the one certain Westerners put up with too easily.


Islam in fact has, and always will have, a long tradition of hospitality and openmindedness towards other cultures. The project obviously falls in line with this tradition of tolerance between peoples. In order to fulfil all our objectives, the first two ports of call of the "Journey to the East" project were the Sultanate of Oman and the Maldives where all merchant ships formerly dropped anchor on their way to the Orient.


The six countries proposed as partners are all particularily interesting from an artistic point of view, since they will be looking at a body of contemporary works with untained eyes, unfiltered by accepted cultural criteria of the west. Their gaze will be extremely valuable and will act as a basis for dialogue between the artist and the people who view the works in each port.


This is why each exhibition should be preceded by a two week stay on the site, so that the artist will have the time to meet the people of the country, to absorb the unfamiliar atmosphere and culture and thus to create a work of art.


One may also envisage, at a later date, developing the contacts established during each exhibition by inviting local craftsmen and artists to France, so as to bring about another meeting between these different worlds. The project could act as a springboard for several ulterior cultural exchanges.


The last exhibition will be held in China (Shanghai), where most of the former sailors ended their "Journey to the East". It is a geographical location infused with history and poetry, and it would be wonderful if the exhibition could open in spring 2003, to bear witness to the links between art and friendship between peoples of the world, at the dawn of the new millennium.


And to mark the end of such a voyage, a catalogue retracing the steps of the six experiences should be published (texts, reproduction of works) and the artist aims at a restrospective exhibition which should ideally be held at UNESCO and/or the Institut du Monde Arabe (Paris).


Calendar of events:


Travelling exhibitions

1998 Oman (Muscat): 11th up to 21st of May 1998, The Omani Society for Fine Arts

1998 Maldives (Male'): 23rd of February up to 3rd of March 1998. A Maldivian artist, Mr. Mohamed Madeeh, will participate at the exhibition.

1999 Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): 28th of June up to 6th of August 1999, National Art Gallery.

1999 Brunei (Bandar Seri Begawan): 11th up to 22nd of August 1999, Malay Technology Museum.

2001 Indonesia (Jakarta): 16th up to 28th of March 2001, Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Arts Council).

2003 China (Shanghai): 21st of March up to 2nd of April 2003, Deke Erh Art Center, Shanghai.



Retrospective exhibition, publication of the catalogue

End of 2004 France, Paris (ideally at UNESCO or the Institut du Monde Arabe).



The artist will be responsible for contacting the countries and all necessary coordination. The exhibition in the Sultanate of Oman was held from 11th up to 21st of May 1998. The exhibition in the Republic of Maldives was held 22nd of February up to 3rd March 1998. A Maldivian artist, Mr. Mohamed Madyh, participated at the exhibition. All countries other than the Sultanate of Oman and the Maldives are contacted in the near future. The exhibition in Malaysia took place from 28th of July up to 6th of August 1999 at the National Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur. The exhibition in Brunei took place from 11th up to 22nd of August 1999 at the Malay Technology Museum in Bandar Seri Begawan. The exhibition in Indonesia took place from 16th up to 26th of March 2001 at The Jakarta Arts Centre, Taman Ismail Marzuki. The exhibition in China took place from 21st of March up to 2nd of April 2003 at the Deke Erh Art Center in Shanghai.




Participating countries
The artist will ask each participating country to accept - if possible - the financial responsibility for her transportation and accommodation, as well as for mounting the local exhibition. In recognition of their generosity, the artist will present each country with a work of art. Private and corporate sponsors will also be appealed to.


UNESCO and/or Institut du Monde Arabe
The artist will ask UNESCO and/or the Institut du Monde Arabe (or other partners) to fund the retrospective in the year 2004 and the publication of the catalogue.
The artist suggests a journalistic back-up of the project (an article on each exhibition in Le Courrier de l'Unesco).


Beate E. Renner: Journey to the East | the project | "le passage" | curriculum | exhibitions | works in collections